hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

fly to.
s73 classblog :D
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s73 Juniors! :D

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Friday, April 30, 2010
fighting back

i thought i did well for my paper until the feedback session...i got so many answers wrong and i just hope that i will pass. can forget about getting an A for this section :( 17 more days later will be my next paper, which accounts for a bigger weightage. I must score highly for that! 17 more days! RAH!!

yesterday we watched Iron Man 2 at 7:40pm at midvalley. It was above average i think. The story is ok, but seeing the battle among robots was a bit boring, as the fighting scenes were quite cliche, except the one played by Scarlett Johansson! :D HER FIGHTING STYLE IS SO COOL ♥

came out after the movie, phone of my friend rang, Jeremy asking: "hey bro, wanna watch Ip Man2 after this at 12am or not? xD" GG... 11 of us were like.... ON!! xD
MAN THIS KIND OF THING IS NOW OR NEVER! xD i wont feel like coming out once im in exam mode again. omg the movie is WAY AWESOME! chinese kungfu vs british boxing! im always so impressed by the way he punches and kicks, and the way he interprets and predicts his opponent's move. the fighting spirit and values of kungfu like modesty, mercy, endurance and respect can be clearly seen in how he teaches his disciples, how he cares about his family and how he treats his fighting opponents. I love Ip Man the movie!! both one and two.

came back at 3am. watched liverpool match against Atletico Madrid. liverpool is crashed out of the cup even with the 2-1 victory at home due to an away goal scored by their opponent. so sad.

slept at 5:30am. this is crazy.

guess it's time for me to gear up for my next battle...

Saturday, April 10, 2010
community service

it was drizzling, guess that's the reason why there's only a few sem 1 coming along. nevertheless i was quite excited coz this the first time my gps came into use. Paying a home visit in Sentul is never easy. Based on our experience, we always arrived late becoz we lost our way there.

I gotta jot this down if not i may forget their names 2 weeks later...

the little cute girl wearing black, standard 3, nine years old and has a boy friend, is called amirah.
A boy called Faris with his little brother Faisal, drew a black and a brown bear in the castle with a ladder from the story book. Faisal is so cute, he is merely 4-year-old and knows how to write some alphabets and numbers. I taught him how to write his name, in big and small capital letters. everytime he wrote one alphabet, he will look at me and smile, wanting me to guess what had he written. he found pleasure doing it and kept repeating. lol so annoyingly cute. everytime he smiles you will feel like pinching his chubby cheeks

Ifah spiked his hair today. i remember he came last year, and used to be a shy and quiet guy. surprised to see that today he's a changed person, more confident, outspoken and even joked with us.

Saturday, April 3, 2010
updates :D


im so lucky that i come back home, so many things fall on this week! went to PIKOM PC FAIR this afternoon! =D omg this is the best chance to buy a GPS because the retail price is about rm700+ and the next PC fair that will be held in KLCC will be on 16 april. by that time i will have no mood to go out but study! exam is coming up in less than one month time gahhh i have to focus! dad bought me a Garmin 1250 for my birthday present WOHOOO! my long awaited GPS!!! :D from now on i can save a lot of time and fuel driving like a headless chicken in a disorganized and messy city named kl.

last friday aka Good Friday

on my booked bus ticket, the departure time was 2:46pm. i planned everything so nicely that I would have sufficient time to reach the bus stop. YET, the stupid train stoned at the terminal for 15 mins-.- whats even worse, i aligned at the WRONG stop called pudu coz i thought the bus terminal called puduraya is at pudu-.- after finding out that it is at plaza rakyat which was 2 stops away, i sensed an impending doom. it was 2:46pm ALREADY LUH WTH. i hopped into the next train and sprinted off once i reached plaza rakyat. everybody was looking at me including 4 policemen who were interrogating a teenager._. i reached at the bus stop at 2:56pm and there's no bus there. I asked a old lady and she said a bus going to jb had just gone off. WTF? i ran out of the station, screening desperately on the busy road for any bus that's familiar to me. None. Worried, i walked back to the station. at 3pm, my bus arrived=.= !@#$%^&*() f*** you scare the shit out of me! stupid late bus you made me running here and there, sweaty and panting. i fell on my seat, grateful and relieved nevertheless. Off to my home! (:

Group 3 (d3vils+triuna+wolferous) went for a steamboat at Yuan, opposite Sunway pyramid. It was meant for a farewell party for chunyen. I took Nick's car. on our way nick suddenly cut in to the diminishing bus lane where there's puddle. the 3 of us thought nick is being playful again, who knows the water splashed sky high like a tsunami, showered a pedestrian from tip to toe. i was sitting at the left middle seat so i saw the whole process of him being splashed x.x poor thing. nick didn't expect this and looked back at him apologetically. the next thing, evan shouted: "NICK, DON'T STOP, FASTER DRIVE!!!THE GUY IS PICKING UP A BRICK" WTF?! i was so scared the brick would fly over and hit my face and i hid behind the seat. boooommmmm we were off. and the big guy was chasing. but according to evan, it's like jogging speed._. HAHAHA then we detoured to avoid that guy and looked out for him cautiously on the road.
"ehh is it that guy in black?"
"no, he doesn't have a brick."
We arrived safely for Yuan steamboat buffet. free flow of icecream ftw! haha group 3 celebrated candice and my birthday too. my birthday card that everybody signed had my big unglam face on it. julian came over to wished me happy chinese new year lolol and lorenzo wished me happy birthday in mandarin. a big thank you to all of you! once in group 3 forever in group 3 (:

wednesday aka my birthday :D
at night the sg gang celebrated with me at Full House in Sunway pyramid! never ate here before but the restaurant was as cute and themed like restaurant city. so glad to see everyone all at once: yihang, liangyi, wanteng, peggy, kelvin, mark, shuwei, valerie, randy, greg, meiying, xiuhue and liwan. thanks for celebrating with me. i love the present, it's really thoughtful of you all. thank you! :D and also a big thanks to the malaysian scholar's gang, i love the present too. and special thanks to liangyi who came over even though it's raining and brought red and white wine for the night. also wanna thank everybody in the auditorium singing birthday song to me after the morning lectures, that's so embarrassing, and those who wished me personally, over sms and facebook. i love you all.

birthday makes me miss my family even more. that's why i booked my bus ticket online on last tuesday (: