hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

fly to.
s73 classblog :D
pri sch classblog :D
s73 Juniors! :D

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Sunday, October 11, 2009
imu cup - bball match

the top 5 of our team are getting tired after 1st quarter of close fight. we learned our lesson after our second defeat against taurus: to preserve our star players' energy for the very last quarter. being the usual bench-warmer I am then sub with ghan in the second quarter. never have i thought that playing in a real match can be so tiring, especially while defending. gotta follow every steps the opponent makes and stop him from cutting into our front line. everybody is giving his best, and stress is in the air. griffin has a very good point guard whose shots are deadly. they have 3 shooters, and their team relies heavily on one man. to counter that we play box-one strategy when defending, and it works! while offending, we try to drive in to earn as many fouls as we can =P

flastback #1
the ball is now in enemy's pg and he is pressing forward. i am guarding the left 3-point-ring to stop his passes if possible. it is very stressful and i can hear my heart pounding. with a split of second he drives in, cutting into the center court and shoot. it's a missed shot (luckily) and our center got the defensive rebound. im already running, hoping to make a turn over before our enemy is aware. needless to say, im followed immediately. a very fast ball reaches my hand, and all i have left with is to sprint. the adrenaline rush muted everything and makes me hear nuts. he is sprinting as well, very closely. in the air we meet, and i receive a big smash from him. the ball bounces out of the court and everything seems to stop. in the air i lose my balance and fall, sitting flat on the ground and stunned. it doesn't hurt at all but due to my dramatic fall i earn 2 free throws :D phew the first one goes in. but the last one doesn't. really thankful for the encouragements from my fellow teammates.

flashback #2
we are in the offensive side, swinging the ball from outside to inside. griffin is defending well and exerting a lot of pressure on our ball holder. the ball is passed to our forward and he is cornered. it seems that he is gonna lose the ball very soon. i am near the 3 point ring and everybody seems to have forgotten me :D without further ado i run into the 2 point line and wave my hands frantically like an idiot. instantaneously the ball comes and my heart skips a beat. the touch of the ball on my fingertips is perfect. the ball leaves my hand and forms a curve in the air. my heart sinks, because the angle is a bit off. but to my surprise, it touches the side of the rim and rolls in as if u are washing a toilet bowl-.- YES I SCORE! wohoo we exchange hi-fives and run back into our defensive position.

I was sub back in the 3rd quarter. in the end we won with 3 points difference (: YEAH bronze medal ftw! :D

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Community Service Club Event #1

paid a visit to children's home in Sentul today. together with seniors, we drove there with 3 cars :D it is pretty far, and apparently i couldn't remember the routes...but it's a meaningful trip! ice-breakers, song & dance sessions, london-bridge-is-falling-down, simon says, and english class. i guessed the kids really enjoyed and learnt. Friendships are forged and love is spread. A very heartwarming session.
the kids over there are mostly malays and some of us have difficulty communicating with them. despite language barriers, everything was run smoothly with the help of one another. it's a good training ground 'cause we were forced to speak bahasa =P really need a lot of practice man...if not next time we will have a hard time communicating with our patients.
ever complained about exam stress? or too much to learn? look at these kids. they are from poor-stricken families who cant afford to send them to school, and what's more saddening is that most of them are really smart kids who are eager to learn. The world is so unfair. but all we can do is to reach out to them and give them what we have, and stop taking all we have for granted. Together we can all make a difference.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009