hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

fly to.
s73 classblog :D
pri sch classblog :D
s73 Juniors! :D

December 2007
March 2008
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December 2008
January 2009
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March 2009
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September 2009
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February 2012


designer: x
resources: x x x
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday is a good day (:

Celebrated jy and 2 juniors' birthday yesterday (: haha jy's cake was a MOONCAKE with a candle on top, and her gift was a handmade pineapple lantern and a flying pig hahaha. oh we had fun taking jumping shots with the pig in the air. 30+ SHOTS. this time im not complaining coz it's fun :D we gotta anticipate the shutter speed with INSTINCT and jump together. yea teamwork matters! can't wait to see the photos...

:D after burning all our carbo we went to serene macs to meet celest for dinner. Cok and laugh alot abt funny medicine joke, then digressed to something horror like final destination, fright night in ntu, army's strange and abnormal encounter in tekong blah blah blah. super interesting.

came back for a rest before work. today was a pleasant day! the class was manageable and everything went smooth. the kids are really good in babbling haha always keep me entertained after class. ah before leaving there's a flying big bee landed on one of my arms then another and CRAWLED. agh HORRIBLE x.x .the kids screamed and i guessed it scared the bee off...

tmr is another full day and also marks the start of PC FAIR! im going to see laptops soon ((= it's time for shopping.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
doing something meaningful

when too free at home im dying from boredom. now have a job im dying for freedom. GG what do i really want? i think i hate routine.

Taking a leave for tmr! It's gonna be real fun! :D

Tho working from 830 to 6 is tiring for 2 consecutive days, i felt great today, 'cause tmr is wednesday! (= how looking forward to it! meeting the tkd-loving people whom i will miss for years and it's gonna be my last staying over at jj's aunt hse! really grateful for at least a gathering is being held, despite most uni have started.

today out of the blue the kids asked: "teacher, why your veins are so big?"


just finished reading new moon. who has eclipse?

Saturday, August 8, 2009
from now

saturday and sunday are precious, coz im not working! :D next week except wed i will be off for tkd outing in sg :D will put up a night there. i guess this will be the last outing for tkd for now. thursday noon back to work again till fri. PC fair on 14,15,16! then mon to fri work again. 22 go sg for my s73 farewell party. 23 off to KL for my endeavor (: im getting my white coat and meeting new friends on 24! mark will join later. everything will start from there and it will be an exciting one!

Monday, August 3, 2009
work WORK! :D

wanteng called yesterday, that she needed help for her afternoon shift at the childcare centre coz she's down with flu.

So today i have officially become a part-time tuition teacher! and i guess i like this job. since the centre is short of teachers and im dying of boredom at home, i think i will work every weekday till my uni starts (: yes! my days have a purpose now :D

i was in-charge of kids from K1 to primary 4, which was a piece of cake. multitasking skill is required coz there were times when 6 kids are calling my name x.x actually not, they called me 黄老师 @_@. my job is to guide them in their homework and prepare them for any spelling test, 听写, enjaan...they are so cute =3 the youngest is merely 4-year-old! haha and she was enjoying drawing lines and colouring. a very cheerful kid. i taught a boyboy how to do addition and subtraction which is beyond his ten little fingers ha. there's one pri-2 boy who studies in innova primary sch in singapore! poor thing he has to travel across the causeway everyday! i wonder how early he has to wake up to make it for sch. his chinese cmi lol and i had to drill him before a white board. There were 2 girls quarreling over a pencil-.- how cute. seeing the kids understood and enlightened is kind of satisfaction. and they are amusing.