hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

fly to.
s73 classblog :D
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s73 Juniors! :D

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thank you everybody for your wishes and everything u have done for me. I am very happy and touched! You all make my day!

Jaybee= Gotham City

I just witnessed an unpunished crime today. And it is my first encounter in life.

It was a sunny 4pm. i drove to another housing estate's basketball court to sweat it out. There's no one there so i played alone and enjoyed the sun. Then i noticed a black car stopped in front of a terrace for quite some time. my car was parked near there too. It was about 10 meters away. Later on a girl came out from the car, wanting to open the gate i guessed. Then my ball bounced away from the net to the muddy ground beyond the court-.- ALL OF A SUDDEN 2 men on a motorbike zoomed pass. One guy jumped off and snatched her handbag. She screamed and chased. Swiftly that guy jumped back to the bike and left. All and all happened within 2-3 seconds. i wanted to throw my basketball at them hoping to make them fall and have concussion !(*^@^!$^)_ but the ball wasn't in my hands at that very moment FUCK IT. and i was 10 meters away. i really couldn't stand unpunished crime and injustice, but i felt so helpless at that moment. Holding her tears, she borrowed my handphone to call her neighbour. Too late la. But luckily she wasn't hurt or something. After which i noticed another 2 on the motorcycle stopped at the playground just beside the court. i wonder wad shit they were doing there and i felt rather unsafe. taking my shoebag and ball i went into the car and drove home. after telling the tale daddy said i made the right decision. coz nowadays robbery is so rampant and who knows the another motorcyclist that i met later was the gang of the previous one?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things are more or less settled now. Uni applications, essays, certified documents...all done. Interview for IMU medicine was also done too; done well. :D I have nothing to rush for now, time has slowed down, and let fate arrange things for the future.

Up in the sky, let the wind guide me (:

Monday, March 16, 2009
The sky is waiting!

I realised I was caught in the causeway jam when I woke up by my phone. Dad smsed me that I was called for an interview and holy yes, I was damn relieved and happy :DDD I have been thinking of all the possible questions they may ask me all the while. I gotta do it well. There's no holding back anymore. Like playing chess, don't ask me why or what now, I will only explain to you until the game is over. I don't want to set unnecessary expectation and pressure that will more or less affect my next move. I don't allow any mistakes this time.

Life is still good. Woke up at 5:30 with LOTS OF DETERMINATION to catch the ride to sg. Reached sch at 9 to certify all my documents. 4 copies each so abt 90+ papers for the dear admin staff to chop. My friends joined later and some wanna do 5 copies haha chop 到手软 o_o After which 7 of us formed a 5-men-team for street soccer =D I missed the old days man! College street soc court FTW! ManU 1-4 Liverpool man I guess I was too excited so I scored 4 goals too today wahahaha =D (over 3 matches -.-) Played from 9 to 1 until it rained. Then we bathed at the poolside and it was tmd cool. My body is heated up now man sun burnt everywhere and I guess my skin is gonna drop off tmr o.O Nice lunch at waffletown. Men's talk while eating, imba hilarious and almost made everyone choked =D Girls' table at the side so we tried to lower our volume which made us feel constipated. Later went NUS for the PIN. Much done today. yay NICE!

Some have been working. Some are not, like me. But these 3 months have not been put into waste. Have learnt how to drive and cook! (: And really sorted up my life and truly known what I really want in my life in 11 years time. My results are not very nice but I still want med. Some say good enough but they don't know how strict med selection is. Even pple with perfect score failed to get in still. I thought I am optimistic enough but to my surprise my dad is even MORE optimistic. "Eh boy try this uni, and this and this and this..." o.O Okay he wins, no harm trying though...

Have been taking care of mum during this long break. Been so grateful I can be at her side while she's down. The greatest blow in my life is she got a cancer and suffered badly when I was at overseas preparing for A levels. Prelims results came after which served as another blow. But it doesn't matter now it's over. Doctor said mum is gonna recovered by June. I have nothing else to wish for. Her speedy recovery before I leave for uni is the greatest gift I can ever have (:

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Once is enough.

"You must work harder at getting away from your past. The future's all that matters. History is nice for reference, but all it will do for you today is distract you from seeing a great opportunity that is practically staring you right in the face. Big things are happening at the moment, but you must live in the moment to see them." -Aries horoscope for march 7.

Why did I make myself believe miracles could happened. Because now I have to pretend that I don't really care...I know I have confused my feelings with the truth and I have never felt this way before. First time in my life I feel utterly upset and angry with myself. And first time in my life I am jealous of others and shame for myself. I used to have everything, but now it seems that it has meant so much to me to ever lose it, where my pride has been lying on it all the while.

Once is enough.

With some regrets of course. But I have to forgive myself to move on. I have been trying to get over it. But easier said than done. From that moment till now I couldn't smile. At that moment the first thing that came into my mind was running into my parents, cause deep down I know they will always support me no matter how I do. I am very grateful for having them and I know I am still the luckiest person in the world.

Slowly I will learn to pick up myself from rock bottom. A very painful lesson to learn indeed. But thank God for making me fall so hard this time, so that I may be able to handle more challenges in my latter life. I haven't given up hope. This is not the end until I say so and I WILL NOT LET IT END LIKE THIS!

'Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent'-Eleanor Roosevelt.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So tomorrow will come in 2 hours time...
It's not a normal tomorrow to be looking forward.
Well, I will accept anything that comes to me. I am leaving all my worries and giving all my faith to God now. God will take care of it.

Best wishes for all of us.
Good night.