hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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s73 classblog :D
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s73 Juniors! :D

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just realised how powerful a small little thought can be. I think, therefore I am.
Happiness, Love and Gratefulness will forever brighten our day. Hence we should always be positive in life! We choose how we feel towards anything and we control our own lives and shape our own future. We are what we think, so optimism is the key! Throw away all those negative thoughts and worries that brings no good but harm. Stay positive and be happy always! =D

Close your eyes and smile for 1 minute. Then open your eyes and tell yourself: it's a beautiful day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pearl Harbor

I just watched the movie Pearl Harbor and omg i love the movie so much!

"Victory belongs to those who believe it the most, believe it the longest."
"It takes a moment to change history. It takes love to change lives."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

At least, I got an answer.
Everything is left beautifully unspoken, but there's a beginning, and an end.
I shall get over it and start over a new life.
Open up and welcome all opportunities.
I should not hold on it anymore, it has ended. Perhaps it has never begun.
Let it go.
And move on.
Stand up and get off your knees boy, the sky is ever waiting for you!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Play at sg :D

Woke up damn early i was so not used to it. But worth it la. Reached zhiyi's house at 8:30am from jaybee, changed and packed, off we go!
Reached Pulau Ubin at 12pm when the sun is blazing hot. NICE i brought my PROTECTIVE sun tan lotion muahahaha. If you don want to get sun burn, better ask some from me (: 6 of us biked for the whole afternoon till 6pm! It has been a joyous and unforgettable experience! Met new friends chongchen and jiehao (: 3 of our bikes took turn to break down while we were on the middle of our journey. Two chains broke and one chain dropped off and stucked in the chain wheel very badly. What to do? Oh man this's really like the Survivor game. We used a rope to tied two bikes together. The front guy would have to paddle hard while the guy at the back would have to manoeuvre the faulty bike. Damn cool lah i have never seen this before! NCC guys really struck a strong impression on me. You know what next? The second time without a rope, we used twines in the forest to tied the bikes. Imba. NCC guys really could improvise everything to solve anything. Thumbs up! On the ride, i tried to snapped as many pictures as i could and it was quite exciting cause you know, I was RIDING. Junjie attempted to get into the picture but at the end he lost his balance and rammed into the drain >.<>.< 11.30 tkd lunch at aston near dhoby ghaut! A lot came =D Everyone seemed the same but most working already T.T Christine gave me her name card lah o.O haha after lunch we went joce's house for movie marathon =D Got one movie damn cool telling a story about a person who is born old and will grow younger and younger as he ages. He watches his loved ones age and die while he continue to grow younger. Most of the people fear aging and death. That's the life cycle everyone will have to go through. But i have never imagined life from this interesting point of view before, where the needle ticks anticlockwise. Do you fear for being young for so long? If you can live longer and younger, what are you living for? On the side note, I love the part where there's another random old man who always tells the tale about himself being struck by lightning 7 times without dying, and claims that God has been reminding him how lucky he is xDD
Yize's army life's so interesting! His army suit is damn cool la it's pixelated and claimed to be more effective in camouflaging haha. New technology sia. At night we called for pizza delivery and watched Step up 2 wohoo =D Stayed over at yize's house! Watched V for Vendetta and Batman Begins!

Left at 3pm when yize has to book in and I have to go home :P yize would be busy next weekend while marcus is not! You take turns la, there's always time we can meet up! (: