hear it play,

loves tkd, bball to the core

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Laugh when you can.
Apologise when you should.
Let go what you can't change.
Play hard.
Capture the moments.
Forgive quickly.
And live life to its fullest.

hear it plays,

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s73 classblog :D
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s73 Juniors! :D

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

It was IVP poomsae competition yesterday, at NTU. We know we have gone so far, and its time to give our last shot the best shot. I constantly told myself: we are the ones who trained the hardest in our club, dont worry and everything will be fine. On the mats, we max our strength and subconsciously took note of our stances and coordination. Jia Wei was right, every team sure have their own mistakes during competition, mainly due to nervousness. Competition is to sieve out those who commit the less mistakes. Our performance wasnt that good due to uncoordinated side-kicks, the rest were quite nice. Too bad that the judges were looking for coordination and stances. Strength wasnt really what they were looking for. Even though accuracy isnt there, coordination will still make the overall performance awesome. These are great lessons to be learnt. Winning or losing doesnt really matter after all, its the process and experience that are truely valuable. I miss the time when we trained together, then when tired we sat down and tok cok and play judo haha! :D Training with your guys was really fun. Most of the time the training was tough, and sometimes i did grumble. But your devotion and determination to win really really touched me and motivated me to push myself forward. You are the reason for me to fight for. Thanks guys! Thanks Zhiyi for planning the whole traning and his imba long yet paragraphed sms-es. Thanks Marcus for bringing laughters to us during training. Special thanks to Jiawei and Junquan for taking your time off to correct our mistakes in pattern. and thanks to those who gave me encouragements before and after the competition. You really melted my heart. YOU GUYS ROCK!

InterJC comp will be held in May. NO TEARS BUT REVENGE! HC SAJANG TEAM WHOOOSH!!!